Fall has come, which is Kevin's favorite time of year. I would say maybe it's the color of the leaves, or the brisk air in the morning, or maybe the hay rides and apple picking that he looks forward to....however I would be lying to myself if I didn't it admit that it is football season.
I am also a fan of the fall, but I am missing my summer days with the kids at the park, and not a care in the world and no schedule to follow.
Annalise is in preschool four days a week this year, and loving every minute of it. I get to visit her once a week to do a music class, and her school is so great to let me come and do that. She is such a great big sister to Jonah and she begs me everyday for a baby sister, she even has names picked out for her. I often ask myself...."who is in charge here"? Annalise definitely has a mind of her own! She is already counting down the days until Kindergarten, and she is always devising new plans to move to New Jersey with her favorite cousin, Caitlin. I also chopped her hair off a couple of months ago....and it is so wonderful for everybody!

Jonah is one week away from going to Nursery during church (YAY!!), which Kevin is very grateful for. I am in Primary every week while Kevin gets to chase him through the halls so it will be a well deserved break for both of them. Jonah has also had a rough month, getting every illness under the sun. He currently has the Hand, foot and mouth virus which I am hoping will pass quickly so we can all be back to good healthy state in our home! Jonah is also getting very talkative and his two favorite words to say right now are Pumpkin (bumpbum) and Backpack (bapap). He is a busy little guy who likes to climb everything, and jump off of things he shouldn't!

Kevin continues to look for a job in our country's lovely economy. We have had many interviews but no luck on the job front, we will continue to search and pray for the opportunity that is right for our family. In the meantime our family has been blessed in many ways to keep ourselves afloat on minimum income. On the lighter side, Kevin also turned 31 this year......and he did not get his birthday wish , which is of course for the Phillies to win the world series, but it was an amazing World Series nonetheless.

As for me, I have been keeping busy with my Mommy and Me music classes at home, teaching at Anna's school, and babysitting in the afternoons, doing my primary calling, singing in choir, getting trained in Music Together and all those other motherly things. Luckily Kevin has been amazing picking up the slack that I leave behind. He takes Annalise to her ballet and tap class every week, and regularly takes the kids while I babysit in the afternoons. I am hoping to start my own Music Therapy business in January, but we shall see what life dishes up!
We of course enjoyed our fall festivities...
Apple Picking
Pumpkin Patch
and our own pumpkin patch that we grew this year....
We made our pumpkin soup, and ate it out of our pumpkin bowls
(made from the pumpkins above)
Then of course, went trick or treating!
Happy Fall to you all!!