Saturday, May 9, 2009

Giggling Girls

Annalise has been getting older so fast (she will be two in August....what?), and she is turning into quite the toddler. She started enjoying her playdates that I have been setting up for her (playdates are really just an excuse for me to spend some time with an adult, but also for Annalise to socialize with kids her age.)  Yesterday we had Bonnie and Madison over for the afternoon. As Bonnie and I were sitting at the table making bows and other crafty things we heard the girls giggling in Annalise's room. I turned on the video camera, walked in the room and this is what they were up to:

Yes.... that is Annalise standing pantsless, spitting water out, while Madison falls over laughing. We thought it was pretty cute. 


Kendy said...

Thats too cute...hey as long as it makes them happy...gosh I didn't realize her hair was so dark, for some reason I thought she was a blonde baby.....

Heather Stott said...

that is so funny! Id say she is growing up! when did that happen!? she is getting SO old! it's too cute! her with her little friend.

mallena said...

What funny girls! I can't believe they're both getting so old. Okay, two isn't old, but they are growing fast.

emily a. said...

This is adorable. It'll be fun when Sage can play with other kids instead of just steal their toys.

M and B said...

That's so cute! It is so funny the things they laugh over. I always come running when my boys are laughing like that- it is never good...

The Schexnayders said...

That is the cutest thing I have seen. How fun that they play together like that.

Patty Sampson said...

Oh my gosh!! They are so funny!! When you told the story it was funny, but seeing it live it is hysterical! I just love seeing those two have fun. And I love hearing their laughter, is is the best part. :)