I have never given Annalise a bubble bath (I know I am a slacker mom.) So she had her first bubble bath today.....and by accident. It was actually shampoo that made the bubbles. Annalise thought it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen, she couldn't stop saying......"Bubbles, bubbles"

She is SO cute! I understand every word she is saying! Wow does she love bubbles! Thanks for posting the video. That is SOOOOOOOO funny!
look at that tushy.....
hahaha... that is too cute! love it!
Tennyson has a thing for shampoo too. He loves dumping it in the tub to make bubbles as well. Those little rascals! These are really cut pictures. I love "bathtub" pictres.
That is so adorable! Don't feel like a slacker Mom, the only reason my kids have gotten bubble baths is because I got bubble bath as a baby shower present...
Caitlin loves this video of Annalise....she keeps saying, "do that again, do that again". I think she likes to see her talking. It will be fun to see how they interact when they see eachother.
my secret of the cuter posts lately is this web site called picnik, it's my favorite thing to do these days, Put William down for a nap and play with pictures! check it out and have some fun! www.picnik.com
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