Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thirty years of excitement.....

Kevins birthday is today! Happy Birthday baby! He is officially out of his twenties....and I think I am feeling the age more than he is.....because after today I am exhausted.

First I want to say thank you to everyone who emailed me with thoughts for Kevin's book. It turned out great....but I got really rushed at the end so the beginning was looking all cute, and then the end was pretty ghetto with markers and tape. But the message was the same, so thank you for all of the love!

 Looking nice..

Cute little things to back the pictures...
 to....ghetto marker version....

It is so hard to get anything done anymore with two kids around, chances are one of them are going to need my attention every minute of the day. 

 So I also made an Awesome cake! Okay, so I didn't end up having enough time to do what I wanted for Kevin's cake, so I threw together.....like I said an awesome looking cake, that happened to be shaped like Kevin's head.

But my favorite part is the little bald spot in the back....

 Annalise was very excited about Daddy's Birthday too. So much she couldn't stop running around and screaming and driving mommy crazy. Yay Birthdays.

Happy Birthday Kev!!! 
We Love You!


Patty Sampson said...

So cute! You did a great job with the book. I am so glad we got to participate. Welcome to the4 3rd decade. :)

Kendy said...

that book looks sooo awesome..wish i could see it live..and that cake is too funny.....