A few weeks ago we got to participate in Darlynns recital (one of my girls in young women). Well we were the intermediate distraction while the little dancers got ready. We sang Take Me Out To the Ballgame and Blackbird. It has only taken me six years to get Kevin to perform with me. So a round of applause for him......he was very nervous, and I am sure if you want to see the video Brother Hitchner will put it on Youtube for you. Congrats to Darlynn for putting together a very good recital!!
Annalise received visits by both her grandmas this month. Grandma Stott drove from Cincinnati to visit her favorite grandaughter. It was going to be a nice relaxing weekend.......and then we got a call from Matthew (my brothers) mission president. His knee was not doing so hot......again (for those of you who don't know him he has been out three times now coming back twice for two different knee surgeries.) So this time it looked like the last time to be greeting him home. He has done an amazing job keeping his focus for the last year and a half, and I know he has changed many peoples lives. Anyway, so he ended up coming back home to NJ where he left. Therefore he crashed at my place with my mom while they figured out what to do. And Matt's girlfriend Lauren is currently a nanny in NJ....... so she came too. Well he got released on a Tuesday morning, then by that afternoon they were taking engagement pictures.........yeah, it was an exciting week. So we got to go to many fun places to take pictures here are some of them:
Here is Longwood Gardens (but no flowers in this picture...sorry)
And then we went to the shore where Annalise discovered sand......the best part was eating it, yuummm!
Then we took some pictures on the Princeton campus and train station where flat Ayla came to also. (For those of you who have read the childrens book Flat Stanley you will understand why.)
Well while Grandma Lawrence was here Kevin and I had a lot of church obligations, so we spent Saturday with the youth at the Special Olympics at Council Rock HS, and Sunday at Ward Conference meetings. So Annalise got to spend a lot of time with Grandma Lawrence (which is good since she fly's accross the country from LA every month just to see her.) But Annalise was having so much fun she would stay up late every night, and get into grandmas make up bag.......
So in the meantime Annalise has been doing all kinds of exciting things, like growing teeth (yes her first tooth came in), rolling around more (but still not that much, she loves everyone to come to her and treat her like the princess that she is), and she has also been improving her facial expressions as you can see:
Yeah, she loves the camera.
And as you can see she has been also growing a lot of hair, and I can't wait until I can make little pigtails....
Well I think I have done enough bragging for one night. I hope to be better about posting more this month, but no promises. Tomorrow we are going to NYC and spending the day with Kevins sister Amy, going to the Bronx zoo and a Yankees game......so the excitement never ends. Happy Spring to everyone!!!
You guys did a great job at the recital. Thanks for helping out. Cute pictures of your "princess". She's a doll! Congratulations on all the new developments in your family, except the injury. That part isn't so great. Hopefully all will heal quickly and properly.
Hey!!! Seeing all those pictures of Annalise makes me so happy to "know" we'll be having a little girl. She is so adorable and I can see both of you guys when I look at her. You guys are awesome!
Ha Ha! Perfect title. She makes me baby hungry. Good thing I can see her each week to hold me over!!!! She's gorgeous!
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